Sunday, March 10, 2019

Neat Story

I recently was sent this story by Denny Taylor who frequently stands outside PP. During his time on the sidewalk this interaction occurred. Thought it was neat to see how perfect the timing was of these encounters . . . and it is also helpful in understanding more about PP. Here's the story! 

"My friend and I were praying in front of Planned Parenthood on a cold February
afternoon when a young mother pushing a stroller came by and stopped. She said she was so
glad to see us there and appreciated what we were doing. As we talked, we learned her little
girl's name was *Katy and her name was *Grace. Katy had the most beautiful blue eyes and
was 10 months old that day.

Grace said she was on her way across the street to Possibilities Women's Center to
get a larger coat for Katy who had outgrown her other one. She loved Possibilities and the
people there who had helped her so much. Grace shared that she had gone through eight
miscarriages and even Katy's twin had been miscarried. She was so thankful to have Katy in
her life.

Talking further I asked Grace if she had ever been in the Planned Parenthood office
behind us. She replied yes, when she was 20 weeks along with Katy. Grace had gone in for
an ultrasound to see how the pregnancy was progressing. She said the PP people
recommended an abortion even after the ultrasound showed a healthy baby and normal
pregnancy. She suspected it was simply a matter of them making money from an abortion.
They didn't appear to care at all that the pregnancy was normal and healthy. Grace was
horrified and told them she is keeping her baby and walked out. She said PP called her
several times pressuring her to make an appointment for an abortion. She refused and gave
birth to a healthy, beautiful Katy not long after that.

Just minutes after Grace shared her story with us, a red van pulled up to the
stoplight just a few yards from where we stood. A woman rolled down her window and began yelling at my friend and I. She swore repeatedly, calling us names and saying that “they” (pointing to PP behind us) don't refer for abortions and they are good people.

Usually when people get verbally violent I simply remain quiet and pray for them
since it is obvious they are “giving out” and not receiving. But, this time I could not remain
silent because I felt God had orchestrated this meeting with Grace and Katy to silence this
misinformed rage.

When there was a pause in the name-calling, I said...”Excuse me, but this Mom right
here went into PP when this beautiful girl (I pointed to Katy) was 20 weeks along in her womb and THEY recommended and pressured her to get an abortion. Mom refused and so this precious 10 month old girl is here with us!”
The woman mumbled something about girls being magic and then she drove off – end
of discussion; but hopefully not the end of what the Holy Spirit wants to do in her heart.

Often I hear what that lady in the van shouted. That PP is a good organization that provides needed medical services. PP has worked so hard to make themselves look good in the public eye. It took a lot of painful researching and time for this truth of what PP really is to become acceptable to me. However, abortion is truly their main mission - and this fact was stated by PP's CEO Leana Wen this January.

I was thinking of how important organizations like Live Action and the Center for Medical Progress have been in exposing the wrongdoing of Planned Parenthood. The truth that PP enables sex-trafficking with minorssex-selective abortions and selling of fetal body parts to name a few. As difficult as it to reveal these sickening truths, they have faithfully done what Ephesians 5:11 says, to "have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."

From the testimonies I've heard of former Planned Parenthood directors and staff, they truly went into the jobs that they did because of their desire to help women in crisis. They would see women come in, afraid and desperate, and would see the relief on their patients faces afterwards. They have no understanding of God, they have no understanding of the value of human life at that earliest stage of development.

Until God removes the blinders so they can see the wrong they are committing, they truly believe they are helping women (minus those who simply want to attain that Lamborghini.) 

I've always wrestled with this. Wondering HOW and WHY someone could work in a place like PP and not realize what they are doing.  But I understand a bit more now, thanks to so many former abortion workers who have shared their stories. I don't write the facts to understate the wrong that is done by PP workers, but simply to try to understand where they are coming from. To understand what drives them to do what they do. While we must expose and oppose the wrongdoing they commit -  we do love the workers. They are not our enemies, but are captives of the enemy. We pray that their eyes will be opened to the horrible tragedy of abortion and the fact that the women they so desire to help, are not being helped by abortion. May they see that women deserve better than abortion. And may they see the humanity of the victims of the procedures they perform.

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